They're not voting because...
- I am one of nearly 500,000 British pensioners...
I am one of nearly 500,000 British pensioners living in one or other of the old Commonwealth countries, that is about 4% of all British Age pensioners. Most of us are not voting because we are no longered registered, but we would if we could - but who for? Our pensions are frozen at the level ruling when we first became entitled - or first moved overseas - simply because of our country of residence, most of us are in Australia, South Africa, Canada and New Zealand.
written 18th Apr 2005
If we lived in countries like America, Israel, Germany or Italy our pensions would not be frozen. The Labour party, in opposition, promised to grant us our full pensions, but reneged on their promise when they achieved power. The Conservatives did the same thing. The Liberal Democrats, in 1993, made the same promise, but now they look like achieving the balance of power their promise is looking shaky. If you want to learn more about the Frozen pensions story do a google search for the web site of the British Australian Pensioner Association.