They're not voting because...
- I wanted to vote but couldn't because...
I wanted to vote but couldn't because the authorities couldn't even get the postal vote out on time for me to fill it in and get it back to be counted. If they are so bothered about low turnout, why don't they fix this mess?
written 13th May 2005
Rich B replies: Write your response...
written 13th May 2005
Apparently, the Tory party campaign director was trying to promote the more negative aspects of their manifesto and used negative sound bites in speeches etc, to turn as many people off, so that turnout was low, in the belief that hardened Conservatives would turn-out increasing their chances of victory. It worked in Australia for him. Although in oppostion, perhaps they don't want to fix it and this idea permeates through Westminster, although obviously against what is publicly preached.