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Not Apathetic

Tell the world why you're not voting - don't let your silence go unheard

They're not voting because...

I would vote for the BNP

I would vote for the British National Party, but i am not yet old enough, the BNP are the only hope for British People. There are only 2 political parties to vote for nowadays, 1 is the establishment, and the alternative is the BNP, the establishment parties have proven this by linking together against us in places like shipley.

written 28th Apr 2005


Tim replies: Just in Shipley? They should work to banish BNP from all over Britain. Good riddance.

written 28th Apr 2005

jerry replies: Too young -- aah!

If that's the kind of deep thought and insight we can expect, I certainly won't be supporting any party that's going to lower the age of voting.

written 28th Apr 2005

Lee replies: Good for you, the BNP is the only party that will save this once great country.

written 28th Apr 2005

Tim replies: Lee: When the Britain was great, there was no BNP - It was the time of Liberals and Tories. And at that time, both were reformists or we still would have been slaves of the Royal family.

written 28th Apr 2005

Mark Wilson replies: How very sad that this poor child has been left behind in his educational upbringing and barinwashed into thinking that voting for a ragtag band of racists, bigots, megalomaniacs and imbeciles will be good for this collection of nations that is Great Britain aka United Kingdom. I hope you have an epiphany or perhaps a strong mug of coffee to help kick your as yet underutilised braincells into activity. Good luck for the future, by the way, because with the BNP elected, most of the people you know won't have any...

written 28th Apr 2005

Lee replies: Tim, you are right when you say Britain was great when it was ruled by the conservatives and liberals of the old, but that was because they were true conservatives/liberals, now they are traitors to there own name and this country.

Mark, you seem to think that people in the BNP dont have an education i.e they are thick. Only thick people think the BNP are thick. The only people that will not have a future in Britain under a BNP government are the pedophiles and murderers that would be hung from a rope till death.

written 28th Apr 2005

Tim replies: Lee: your outburst only confirms what Mark had to say about your educations and upbringing. Please do not say more and remove any remaining doubts.

written 28th Apr 2005

Lee replies: Tim, how does my "outburst" confirm anything about my education? You know NOTHING about me. Other than the political party I support.

written 28th Apr 2005

Tim replies: Lee dear, obviously you are not old enough yet to know how we find such thing out. When you are 18, I will tell you.

written 28th Apr 2005

Lee replies: Im 19

written 28th Apr 2005

Tim replies: Oh dear, I actually meant mental age - sorry I should have clarified.

written 28th Apr 2005

Lee replies: YOU turn this into a school-yard style slanging match and somehow that makes ME a kid!!!
I was hoping to have had a grown up conversation but since you decided to chuck some
half-wit,unfunny,childish,immature and pathetic insults at me I dont think I will bother. Happy voting :)

written 28th Apr 2005

Tim replies: Good God; seems touched some BNP nerves. Have fun.

written 28th Apr 2005

Wayne replies: the BNP are a joke, we're all immigrants at the end of the day, those who know their history will tell u that the english originated from denmark, and the original settlers in britain were welsh, so enough of this its my country ur not gettin in nonsense

written 28th Apr 2005

Wayne replies: the BNP are a joke, we're all immigrants at the end of the day, those who know their history will tell u that the english originated from denmark, and the original settlers in britain were welsh, so enough of this its my country ur not gettin in nonsense

written 28th Apr 2005

sarah replies: wayne: it is quite blatant that yu ahve not read the BNP constitution? "Of European kindred", wait until you know what your talking about, then comment.
It will do you some good, trust me on that.

written 29th Apr 2005

Mike replies: I intend to vote BNP. In my town white people are beaten (or murdered) if they stray into Asian areas. Whole areas have been islamified and voting fraud is rife in these areas. By not voting for the BNP we are condoning these fraudsters!

written 29th Apr 2005

Derrick replies: BNP?
Is this the party that waves the Nazi flag on occasions?

written 29th Apr 2005

Sarah replies: No Derrick, it is the party that waves the union flag at ALL its meetings and does it with pride and commemoration for those that have died fighting for our freedoms that are now being taken away by the establishment.

written 29th Apr 2005

Al replies:
To put it simply the BNP are racist, Nazi supporting thugs and criminals.

I haven't time to list all of the criminals who are part of the BNP but I'll name some keys ones. Bear in mind that this is a relatively small party!

Nick Griffin (Party Chairman)- Convicted for inciting racial hate (amonst many many many other convictions - not nessisarily race related). He also denied the holocaust happened, f*cking idiot.

John Tyndall (inventor of the BNP)- Has a list of convictions as long as your arm including setting up a paramilitary organisation - because they're always good for britain aren't they? He was also inprisoned for incitment to racial hatred.

Warren Bennett (chief steward)- Convicted for football hooliganism.

So, these people are going to help REDUCE crime ? They aren't doing a very good job at the moment.

written 29th Apr 2005

Andrew replies: I think we may be missing a point here. Regardless of what the BNP really is or their agenda we're losing sight of the fact that more and more people think they represent them - now i'm not saying if thats good or bad BUT they're gaining popularity for a REASON and that is what we need to look at. Don't use the BNP as a smokescreen to hide the fact that the main parties are failing an awful lot of people....THAT is the big factor to me - that Tories and Labour is a complete joke and more and more people are seeing through it. We are seeing politics evolve...

written 29th Apr 2005

sarah replies: Nick Griffins conviction is for speaking the truth - nothign more. This proof that we live in a dictatorship!!!

written 29th Apr 2005

Al replies: So you also deny that the holocaust happened?

Are you in some way retarded? If so I apologise for critising your views and applaud you for managing to formulate an opinion at all. If not, I'm concerned that you may be a danager to yourself.

written 29th Apr 2005

Bob replies: Ahh, thge holocaust, so it's come to this. Forget the BNP completely. If you want to debare thge holocaust and don't trust the "white supremacists" and "hatemogner" WHY oh WHY is their no free debate about this? Thr truth will stand up, only a lie needs protecting. OK, so you may be able to wash that comment off but check this BBC story where a chap says if youy want to see proof of the gas chambers then go to Auschwitz! Ha, even the director of the museum said that the gas chambers their were built in 1948! Don't trust us, here is an example, watch the video produced by the JEW David Cole that proves this when he interviewed the director! -

Personally I don't care if you believe me but at least you should have access to BOTH sides of a story, don't you think? Millions of Jews were brutally murdsred by the Nazis, but I do not knowe 1 person that today in this day and age still believes the lie about gas chambers. The truth will come out just likethe lie about "soap" from Jewish flesh. Ther truth will out and people denying this evidence to be seen are NOT helping their cause.

written 29th Apr 2005

Al replies: 1. That BBC link didn't go anywhere.

2. "If you want to debare thge holocaust and don't trust the "white supremacists" and "hatemogner" WHY oh WHY is their no free debate about this?" ...What the f*ck are you talking about?

3. Your an idiot.

4. How can you debate anything with an idiot?

written 29th Apr 2005

Rhia replies: From

"The label of Nazism tarnished the groups image, and Griffin wanted to copy the more intellectual far right parties on the continent. But though he spoke of the need for a community-based politics, his words in The Rune showed his real colours. The electors of Millwall did not back a post-modernist Rightist Party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan Defend Rights for Whites with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate."

Soo, straight from the mouth of the current BNP leader. Holocaust or not, The conviction for inciting racial/religious hatred stands. Not only is this man a hippocrit (just like Hitler was) for liasing with the very people he now professes to fight against when it suited him, the man also demonstrates that he believes that racial hatred was the reason that the BNP was elected in Millwall, thus showing his true colours, and the BNP's true agenda.

written 29th Apr 2005

Al replies: 1. That BBC link didn't go anywhere.

2. "If you want to debare thge holocaust and don't trust the "white supremacists" and "hatemogner" WHY oh WHY is their no free debate about this?" ...What the f*ck are you talking about?

3. Your an idiot.

4. How can you debate anything with an idiot?

My response:

1: Yes it does go somewhere.

2: Why no open debate about the holocause on national media if what we say is a lay, let us make ourselves look silly on TV but of course this will not happen because the truth can stand up on its own.

3: grow up

4: grow up.

Have you watch the video by the Jew David Cole? I very much doubt it!

written 29th Apr 2005

Al replies: I would notr call you stupid ever, I think you are intelligent but I would suggest you have an OPEN MINDED look at this site:

written 29th Apr 2005

Al replies: Why do you keep calling yourself Al??

With reference to the above link, is this your evidence?

written 29th Apr 2005

Derrick replies: I had the misfortune in 1945 to have helped in the liberation of Belson.There were no gas chambers. The extermination method used was simple. Inmates, not only Jews, were allowed to die in their thousands from starvation and disease. Bulldozers were being used to trundle emaciated bodies into huge pits. I can assure everybody that it was not a figment of my imagination.All the more reason then that we should vote to keep alive that very special commodity, FREEDOM.
Derrick Perth
Western Australia

written 30th Apr 2005

Clare replies: The BNP should be banned, that is all I have to say on the subject.

ANYONE that votes for them is crazy and racist and YOU should get out out great multi-racial multi-cultural country.

written 30th Apr 2005

Pete replies: Clare,

If you ban the BNP then you become just as bad as them.

Banning political parties is what is done in dictatorships - Saudia Arabia being a classic example.

The BNP tends to be a vocal party, with very little real support in the UK.

Many of their supporters like to shock people by spouting the usual racist rhetoric.

These same people would probably have been punks during the 70's if they had been old enough.

The BNP has never had an MP elected to Westminster, and none of their local councillors has ever been re-elected again either.

In short they are a party of words, backed up by shock tactics, but not much else.

written 30th Apr 2005

Anonymous replies: While all you holocaust believers are here I'd like to ask you a simple question. According to most sources the holocaust is the extermination/gassing of 6,000,000 Jews in "death camps" such as Auschwitz, 10 years ago the curators at Auschwitz decided that the figure of "at least 4,000,000" was too high and that in retrospect no more than 1,100,000 died at Auschwitz.

What happened to the other 3,000,000 victims? Did they come back to life?

If the deaths at the main "extermination centre" at Auschwitz were exaggerated is it not safe to say that the deaths at all the camps were exaggerated?

What do you think about the facts that the gas chambers were "reconstructed" after the war as well and that there is no scientific evidence that they were ever used as gas chambers as well?

Before you all start calling me a Nazi I think I ought to tell you that my grandfather was a German Jew who spent some time at Belsen and came to Britain after the war.

written 30th Apr 2005

Pete replies: I think Anonymous is telling a little porky or two.

The figure of 6,000,000 doesn't even begin to take account of the number of Poles, Russians, Hungarians, and other Slavic nations whose peoples also suffered at the hands of the Nazi regime. Many of these were never included within the final holocaust figures.

Still, it's amazing the number of apologists who invariabley seem to have had a grandfather/grandmother/uncle/aunt who was jew in either Auschwitz, Belsen or Triblinka.

written 30th Apr 2005

rhia replies: "to most sources the holocaust is the extermination/gassing of 6,000,000 Jews in "death camps" such as Auschwitz, 10 years ago the curators at Auschwitz decided that the figure of "at least 4,000,000" was too high and that in retrospect no more than 1,100,000 died at Auschwitz."

You answer your own question with the phraze "such as Auschwitz". Other people died at other camps.

To take issue with the numbers again, even if only 1100000 people died in the holocaust instead of the 6000000 we all have been told, does that mean that the holocaust didn't happen? does it make the nazis of Hitlers germany any nicer?

written 30th Apr 2005

Adam replies: 'No more than 1,100,000' is hardly an insignificant number of people. I know nothing about whether there were gas chambers or not but those people definitely died and I personally don't care how or why, it was completely inexcusable. One 'extermination' of anyone, jew or not, would have been a travesty.

Anyway, turning to the main point of this thread, I have just read the BNP manifesto so I could enter this debate at least partially informed. I can certainly see the attraction of the BNP. Lots of 'common sense' policies and lots of reliance on fact - something BNP supporters are always very keen on talking about.

There are two major problems with the BNP. Firstly, the belief in self sufficiency, a danger caused by particular ethnic groups, 'voluntary registration', 'assisted repatriation' and isolation from the rest of the world smacks of national socialism. Germany already tried that. It worked quite well for a while and ended with millions of innocent people; jews, soldiers, every day people caught in bombing, dying. As the old saying goes, 'one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result'. People have long memories and will never elect a party that promises to take us the samee route that Hitler took Germany.

Secondly, theses combined policies would, to my mind, lead to immense poverty. Even assuming that the 20 odd million people that we are supposed to be deporting all went (incidentally, try to cast your mind back to what happened when the Nazis lost patience with the people that they didn't want in Germany not leaving), we would still have 40 million people to feed and house. The few crops we can grow and the little bit of oil and coal we have left would not support this many people. Our economy is based on commerce and that needs two things; people and trading partners. In the absence of a small population or an empire, the two things that historically allowed us to be sustainable as a nation, we are unfortunately bound to play along with global capitalism.

As a previous poster has said, the BNP is vocal and with very little real support. Their fatal flaw, other than the sheer impracticality of their policies, is that they depend on rabble rousing and attracting the more cretinous sections of our society to appear more popular. Whilst they have become more visible than they used to, this approach makes them seem even less credible to the vast majority of the population.

I think we have little to fear from them in terms of government, but much in terms of their ability to play on human fear and create resentment and violent tendencies amongst white British people, whether that is what they intend or not.

written 30th Apr 2005

sarah replies: i have forgotten who actually said we never get a re-elected councillor, but i have never heard such rubbish in my life! Almost all of our councillors were re-elected once they have been able to show to the British people that they actually speak the truth.
As for Nick Griffins' denial of the holocaust, can i ask you if you ever read the leaflet he had published which led him under such allegations? I seem to think that you have not, Nick Griffin outlines the lies put in place by the liberals, he also said that we should be commemorating ALL the people who died during the second world war, not just those that died at the time of the holocaust.
With the things that you say, anyw=body would have thought you read "searchlight" magazine!

written 30th Apr 2005

Anonymous replies: What utter tosh Sarah writes !!!

No BNP councillor has ever been re-elected.

Whatever will they claim next ? That they will form the next Government perhaps ?

written 30th Apr 2005

sarah replies: How about Adrian Marsdon? It only takes a google search!!!! I know the guy personally, fantastic fella.

written 30th Apr 2005

Pete replies: Your telling porkies again Sarah !!!

Results of the google below:

No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found.

Your search - "Adrian Marsdon" - did not match any documents.


- Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
- Try different keywords.
- Try more general keywords.

- Try ignoring Sarah's b*llshit !!!

written 30th Apr 2005

sarah replies: search: Adrian Marsden BNP.

BBC NEWS | England | West Yorkshire | Race position for BNP councillor
... BNP rosette. Cllr Adrian Marsden was re-elected to the council in June ...
Cllr Marsden is one of three BNP members on the council. Biggest joke ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

Anti-Fascist Action, Ireland
... The BNP's new councillor, Adrian Marsden, 42, spent the day playing exactly
... in Halifax concerning the election of Adrian Marsden as BNP councillor. ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Gentle Ministries - Devotionals - Sermons > > News > > Vicar's Bid ...
... "No way would I want to ban Adrian Marsden from attending a funeral or baptism
but its in the community guise the BNP gains credibility. ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

British National Party - Chairman Nick Griffin - Working to secure ...
... These kind of candidates are exemplified in our two BNP councillors, Adrian
Marsden and Richard Mulhall, as well as all the others that stood in the May ... - 37k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] BNP calls for an open debate on ritual slaughter
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... ritual slaughter when Halifax BNP. councillor, Adrian Marsden, called. for a
ban on all halal meat being. served on Calderdale Council. premises. ... - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

written 30th Apr 2005

Anonymous replies: Perhaps Sarah meant Adrian Mole ?

written 30th Apr 2005

crimson replies: We do celebrate ALL the deaths of ww2. On different days.

written 30th Apr 2005

Pete replies: Crimson,

So you celebrate the fact that people died during WW2 ?

What do you do - throw a party ?

Adolf Eichmann stated that he would laugh when I jump into the grave because of the feeling that I have killed 5,000,000 Jews. That gives me great satisfaction and gratification

Wonder how crimson celebrates those deaths ?

written 30th Apr 2005

Amy replies: After reading this thread I felt compelled to read for myself the BNP manifesto, in order to be fully informed of the discussion points. I now feel physically sick.

The one point on which they are completely clear is the apparent need to rid this country of all non-white inhabitants, and to educate the rest of us on what it is to be "British".

I am neither blind nor stupid, I know that this country is far from perfect, but I am also fully aware that we will not reduce hospital waiting lists, eliminate crime, or get the busses to run on time by simply making a scapegoat of a large percentage of the population.

I for one am not in the least bothered by a person's race or religion, I am simply "anti bad person" and they occur in every shade available! (can usually be found sporting a *NP banner-insert first letter of any country here)

The incredulous smile fell from my face while reading about the "relocation" plans, the ban on talking favourably of multi cultural societies, and the segregation of British citizens of "foreign/ethnic" descent.

The BNP "policies" are nothing more than vague promises to improve everything and cut taxes, speaking of which how exactly can a "consumption tax" work fairly, it seems to me that goods are simply going to cost more, so if like me you are earning less than your annual tax-free allowance, you will not see an increase in your wage and so will in fact end up worse off after your weekly supermarket shop.

I was particularly appalled by the compulsory military service for all 18 year olds, refusal of which would result in the withdrawal of the right to vote, along with the loss of any help with any form of higher/further education. And on that topic, what exactly are the unspecified "nonsense disciplines" that future students would be denied? I am assuming that my aeronautical engineering degree would be safe, although I fear certain arts courses may not be so lucky, who are they to decide how individuals may further themselves?

With all the subtlety of a spoilt 3 year old, any organisation that has offended the BNP will be abolished along with any laws of which members have fallen foul.

Some may fear that unemployment will rise, what with so many government departments and independent organisations being closed down, but don't panic there's plenty of room for everyone (equipped with our citizen's assault rifles) at the boarders keeping the darkies out!

Never argue with an idiot, they always bring you down to their level, and then beat you with experience.

written 30th Apr 2005

About Not Apathetic

NotApathetic was built so that people who are planning not to vote in the UK General Election on May 5th can tell the world why. We won't try to persuade you that voting is a good or a bad idea - we're just here to record and share your explanations. Whether ideological, practical or other, any reason will do.

A lot of users would like us to mention that if you spoil your ballot paper, it will be counted. So if you want to record a vote for "none of the above", you can.
