They're not voting because...
- Tony Blair. IRAQ. Education. ...
Tony Blair.
written 18th Apr 2005
National Health Shambles.
Sale of half UK gold reserves.
Thought police.
Need more reasons?
piersh replies: Reasons not to vote Labour, or not to vote? I think you're on the wrong site.
written 18th Apr 2005 -
Roger replies: I can see your point on IRAQ but not the rest. Education and the NHS has improved in my opinion, always huge room for further improvement but then that costs money, mine and your money, and there it is that we make our choice, it seems to me you have every reason to vote.
written 18th Apr 2005 -
Tom Livingstone replies: i'm absolutely sick about people slating Tony Blair about the whole Iraq issue, trust, blah blah blah, what a load of rubbish! Blair went to war because he was told by MI6 that there were weapons of mass destruction, what was he supposed to do? The fact that intelligence happened to be wrong doesnt make him a liar! And to be honest, when Iraq held their first democratic elections for years, after seeing the joy it caused i was glad we went in anyway. My brother went to fight for his country in Iraq, and his time wasnt spent their in vain.
written 18th Apr 2005 -
Matthew replies: > Blair went to war because he was told
> by MI6 that there were weapons of
> mass destructionYou actually believe that? Wow.
written 19th Apr 2005 -
Sez replies: Blair went to war because he was told
> by MI6 that there were weapons of
> mass destructionBut when he found out, he still didn't withdraw the troops and more innocent people died.
written 19th Apr 2005 -
Derrick Prance replies: Labour sold our gold reserve at half of todays price." there's no fool like a Labour Chancellor"
written 20th Apr 2005